From Our Hearts To Yours knows the struggle that life can bring in a heart beat.
Tonia Robinson, President of F.O.H.T.Y. , has served over 4,000 homeless people that is living on the streets and in shelters. This has been her passion since 2008 before she became a 501 (c) (3) in 2009.
Each day around the country someone is set in to the streets because of job loss and couldn't pay the rent.
F.O.H.T.Y reaches out to people in the Washington, DC area and love to have volunteers to assist to increase help for the under-served. They are seeking sponsors and affiliations to join this increasingly epidemic that should be address in a timely fashion.
Tonia Robinson is working on a new project that will help at risk pregnant youth and young women ages 16-25.
Providing permanent housing and promoting independence for these young women to thrive.
From Our Hearts to Yours Provides-food, clothing, shoes, accessories and more.
Contact information at 202-294-6697 Or Email: FromOurHeartsToYours@MSN.COM
Tonia Robinson
P.O. Box 5165
Capitol Heights, Maryland 20791
Tonia Robinson, President of F.O.H.T.Y. , has served over 4,000 homeless people that is living on the streets and in shelters. This has been her passion since 2008 before she became a 501 (c) (3) in 2009.
Each day around the country someone is set in to the streets because of job loss and couldn't pay the rent.
F.O.H.T.Y reaches out to people in the Washington, DC area and love to have volunteers to assist to increase help for the under-served. They are seeking sponsors and affiliations to join this increasingly epidemic that should be address in a timely fashion.
Tonia Robinson is working on a new project that will help at risk pregnant youth and young women ages 16-25.
Providing permanent housing and promoting independence for these young women to thrive.
From Our Hearts to Yours Provides-food, clothing, shoes, accessories and more.
Contact information at 202-294-6697 Or Email: FromOurHeartsToYours@MSN.COM
Tonia Robinson
P.O. Box 5165
Capitol Heights, Maryland 20791