Monday, March 25, 2013

Hiring In 2013

Companies are hiring slowly but surely. Hiring in 2013 shouldn't be daunting, building partnerships and collaborations with other professionals with similar interests and same values.

Hiring a local temporary helper or a remote assistant interest in your business model. Assisting in hiring a Facilitator to train in daily operations.

There are free ways to administer conferences to train on webinars and by phone. Every unemployed job seeker does not want to start their own business.

There are plenty of freelance virtual sites to find the best candidates.
Companies are too lazy hire,
it's not because of the medical issue of hiring. Now hiring companies want you to have a bachelor's or master's to eliminate a lot of candidates.
8. (Bloggers)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Need Temporary Staff?

Finding temporary help is necessary and important for any business.
Companies are still not hiring full speed ahead for at ease daily operations.

Many businesses fail because of lack of help and lose self confidence.
Well, look no further there's a Deputy in town. 

It's called and its a great place to find assistance for your projects in a timely manner.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Phone Recycling EcoAtm

When you hear the word recycling, what comes to mind?
Saving the planet from toxins, gases and so forth. Well, there is a new sheriff in town called...EcoAtm to recycle phones and Mp3 players and get paid on the spot. How good is this?

It's like a Bank ATM machine where you can place your cell phone and it scans your brand and can give you cash back.
Starting successfully in San Diego, California where the sun is always shinning even on its cloudy days.
Taking your fingerprint is essential and significant in every transaction and EcoAtm partnering with the law enforment.

This is a wonderful idea and kudos to the Ecoatm Corporate Headquarters for this successful trending technology.
Ecoatm will be successfully accomplished in a few months in my opinion. And with the help of good workers to make things happen in a timely fashion. Look out for an EcoAtm at a mall and stores near you!

For more details go to