Starting a nonprofit is rewarding in serving a mission and 100 percent dedication in assisting participants.
9 Essential Ways To Get Started:
1. Create a nonprofit name
2. Register the name at a local business center that distributes business licenses. It usually costs $100 or less for a nonprofit name.
3. Then you go to and search for starting a charity to download the 1023 Application to complete and mail to the IRS.
4. Selecting at least three Board Members (VOLUNTEERS) is the minimum that is required and you must create a mission statement (What is your nonprofit about?) Example: To establish the youth inability to rise above poverty and become productive citizens in society and continuation of their education.
5. If all your information is correct to be mailed to the IRS and they don't have to send it back to you for more data then it usually takes about 30-45 days to received an approval letter from the IRS stating that you have been approved to be a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt (from paying taxes) entity.
6. It will be a challenge to keep a nonprofit afloat and maintain a lifetime of sustainability with maintaining a balanced budget with a positive cash flow (money coming in and money going out).
7. Nevertheless, creating a strategic fundraising plan and taking action on the ideas is life or death of your nonprofit.
8. There are a few books on Fundraising Ideas that is helpful.
9. Applying to as many foundations as you like and hoping to get selected is encouraging and self-confidence. In addition to be eligible to apply for grants through foundations you can register with, individual donors, and you can sell products or services like t-shirts, pens, pencils, books and other ideas.
10. Other Ways To Give To Charities or Accept Donations
a. leaving A Legacy: An Estate Gift To Charity
b. Accepting Bitcoins Is Essential in 2015 and Beyond (Digital Currencey)
These 2 Sites Are Great, Choosing The Best From Your Personal Organization's Needs OR
c. People Can Donate Their Stocks To Nonprofits By Talking To Their Financial Advisor or Banker