Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Importance Of Life, Disability, And Fire Insurance

Life Insurance:
Indeed, having loved ones to care for is necessary and departing this life will be sad and sometimes people deaths are sudden without warning. Thinking of family members struggling to pay for funeral costs can be daunting. There are many insurance companies that offer term life insurance.

1. (Kids and Adults)



Disability Insurance:
Disability Insurance is a great way to secure people if they get hurt at work, especially very dangerous jobs like being a Construction Worker, Mining, Electrician, Driving, Roofing, Painting, Fire Fighters, Police Officers, Office Workers and Others.

Scenario: Disability Story

Nicole Dark is a construction worker for Basser Construction in Washington, D.C, she fell backwards and hurt her back from falling on the concrete. Now Nicole is in the hospital for three weeks and she is trying to contact family and friends to see if anyone can let her borrow money to pay her rent and bills.

If Nicole had disability insurance which is effective in a few days of registering and making on time payments, Nicole could've paid her own bills on time after receiving the disability check.

Fire Insurance:
A fire can breakout at anytime and can be deadly. There are still many residents without a fire alarm and a fire extinguisher in their homes and this is not good. Making a listing of your valuables is good and placed in a fire proof and water resistance safe to preserve your documents. This is why I like the Red Cross because they are right on time when you need them from a disaster and will place you in a hotel for a few days and you can ask family or friends for temporary shelter.




Wednesday, July 9, 2014

How To Have Money?

Throughout the years I was told from a family member that buying U.S. Saving Bonds are great to have for long term and I did buy a few and financial hardship came along and I cashed them before my bonds matured in 5, 10, 15 or 20 years, lesson learned. This is a great way to have cash in the long run.
U.S. Savings Bonds

People don't trust the stock market but investing in stocks and mutual funds is helping people predict future growth. Researching and personal experience will give people a better judgment on their finances.
Financial professionals and others that are trustworthy to build a successful future.

1. Suze Orman

2. Ric Edelman

3. Lynette Khalfani-Cox

4. Clark Howard
(Great Book For All Ages "Clark Smart Parents, Clark Smart Kids") By Clark Howard & Mark Meltzer

5. The Motley Fool Work Book--By David Gardner

6. Kevin Trudeau--Book: Free Money "They" Don't Want You To Know About

7. Matthew Lesko-- The Question Mark Man????

8. Jim Cramer
Great Book: Jim Cramer's Real Money
(Sane Investing In An Insane World)
By James J. Cramer

9. Jean Chatzky
Great Book: Make Money Not Excuses
(Wake Up, Take Charge, and Overcome Your Financial Fears Forever)

10. David Bach
Great Books:
The Automatic Millionaire
(A powerful One-Step Plan To Live And Finish Rich)

Book 2:
Smart Women Finish Rich
9 Steps To Achieving Financial Security and Funding Your Dreams

11. Standard & Poor's
The Dividend Rich Investor Building Wealth With High-Quality Dividend Paying Stock
By Joseph Tigue & Joseph Lisanti

12. Ryan Mack

And Ryan Mack on Black Enterprise
Google Search

13. Michelle Singletary

14. Buying Individual Stocks Inexpensively

15. U.S. Securities Exchange Commission

Why Are People Poor?

Is being poor a state of mind? Well, it depends on who you're asking and why would anyone care?
There is a saying, "Life Is What You Make It", sometimes this is easier said than done because if you're depending on others to help out financially, goals can be dragged out. Indeed, it's best to try achieving tasks on your own without interruption. Building confidence is a top priority to prosper.

Finding Your Niche:
Many people choose to stay at home with their kids, not having an income can hurt the family but if other family members are working than life is manageable. Parents stay home if they don't trust anyone to watch their children, conflict of scheduling activities or can't afford to pay a babysitter. Nevertheless, this is why some parents look for legitimate work at home jobs and start researching on how to start a business.
Parents and single adults result to public assistance and nonprofits for help as their last alternatives.

Structural Differences:
In other countries they don't have welfare and get a lot of help and depending on their demographic areas, different governments and some with no government structure in place and everyday is haywire and critically a burden and worrisome for people.

Do People Steal Because They're Poor?
Is it because they don't have anything? or They're too lazy to search for employment?
What about people who have decent paying jobs and steal or involved in other illegal activities?
Is it an adrenaline rush, peer pressure or arrogance?

Freelance Gigs:

Great Book For People Who Want To Work At Home
Book By Leslie Truex
"Work At Home
Success Bible"

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

How To Find A Job Now?

Jobs are still scarce in the middle of 2014 but there is still hope to find a job in this lame economy. How did it get this way? It's affecting us worldwide with partnerships. Companies may not have a lot of work to hire new employees and lack hiring skills to pick the right candidates.

Super Job Searches:
Solution Step 1: Searching for Temporary Agencies through a Google search and

Solution Step 2: Always ask family members, friends, acquaintances, former co-workers and others.

Solution Step 3: Walking in the Employment Center for job assistance is a great start and researching local nonprofits who assist job seekers.

In conclusion, thinking of creative ideas to grab potential hiring employers attention by marketing resumes in unique ways like on a Cereal Box, Recycling Bag, A Project Board, Fruit Basket, Vase of Flowers, T-shirts and other creative ideas to land a job. Indeed, you can use video such as and

This second image was featured on Good Morning America and the guy landed the job in a marketing firm.