Thursday, May 30, 2013

5 Reasons Why Nonprofits Don't Get Grants

Starting a nonprofit is rewarding and can be self-satisfaction, your not starting a program for the money, your serving a mission. Yes, Indeed, you need funds to continue and grow to serve a purpose.
There are more than sending in grant proposals to foundations, corporations, and government to receive funding.

Organizations can create an event, individual donations, bowling party, car wash, bake sale, dance off and much more ideas will come to surface. Foundations may not grant you funding and it's okay to a certain extent because it doesn't mean you didn't have a great proposal, they may decided to go with a nonprofit similar to your work or serving another mission.

5 Ways to Not Get a Grant
  1. Asking for too much funds
  2. Asking too low
  3. Poor Proposal
  4. Not enough information
  5. Mission and focus does not coincide with the foundation
Assistant is near to help your nonprofit. (Sharron Dark) 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Starting A Business Is Not To Be Scary

There are still millions out of a job in America and someone cares, it's essential to have money coming in, what we call 'Cash flow', money coming in and money going out.
People should not be afraid to ask for help from the government, family, friends, nonprofits, and churches.
Others love to help when one is in need of assistance, putting your pride to aside will not hurt you but it can definitely help you in a major way.

The top essentials of starting a business venture:
  1. Preparation
  2. Motivation
  3. Determination
  4. Advice from others (Maybe)
  5. Avoid the Naysayers
  6. You make the final decision
First Step: Creating a Business Name

Second Step: Tag-line (Slogan)

Third Step:  Reaching out to People In Need That Can Use Your Services or Products.

Fourth Step: Marketing your business is very important.

Fifth Step: Advertising where is affordable and produce results.

Sixth Step: Marketing & Advertising is a Lifetime Commitment, Success Can Happen Over Night But It Usually Takes Some Time.