Monday, September 30, 2013

Unmarked Streets

Many times we all take life for granted with the basic necessities of our livelihoods. People in America have a lot of resources that can assist them for short-term and long-term situations. Some countries don't have a proper government for people to thrive and prosper and this is very sad and critical in society worldwide.

Developing countries are seen as a stepping stone to progress in a timely fashion and help people become self-sufficient and empower to become sustainable in life. Every country don't provide welfare; (Snap program-Food Stamps and TANF-Cash Benefits) like in America and everyone don't have McDonald's to choose from the dollar menu to feed their stomachs.

Unmarked Streets is a nonprofit organization established in 2011 as a 501 (c)(3) in Illinois and Founded by Andrea Astachnik and she has a vision to empower women to become entrepreneurs in Guatemala.
This is a great program to teach them to have management skills, selling products, marketing and more.
I admire Ms. Astachnik very much and believe in her mission and values for the Guatemalan women.

They can use Stoves, Water Filters, Office Supplies, and Other Resources.
Check out their website at